Kamis, 04 April 2013

Tugas 1 ( Bahasa Inggris )

Rumus :
Positive ( + )                : S + Tobe + V-ing + O
Negative ( - )               :  S + Tobe + Not + V-ing + O
Introgative ( ? )           : Tobe + S + V-ing + O

Example :
1.      ( + ) I am writing the letter to my friend
(  - ) I am not writing the letter to my friend
(  ? ) Am I writing the lettere to my friend ?

2.      ( + ) I am going to school now
(  - ) I am not going to school now
(  ? ) Am I going to school now ?

3.      ( + ) You are fishing in the river now
(  - ) You are not fishing in the river now
(  ? ) Are you fishing in the river now ?

4.      ( + ) Rani is singing a nice song now
(  - ) Rani is not singing a nice song now
(  ? ) Is Rani singing a nice song a now ?

5.      ( + ) I am going to buy a new book this afternoon
(  - ) I am not going to buy a new book this afternoon
(  ? ) Am I not going to buy a new book this afternoon ?

6.      ( + ) We are studying Biology now
(  - ) We are not studying Biology now
(  ? ) Are we studying Biology now ?

7.      ( + ) She is cooking the rice in the kitchen now
(  - ) She is not cooking the rice in the kitchen now
(  ? ) Is she cooking the rice in the kitchen now ?

8.      ( + ) He is teaching them in the class
(  - ) He is not teaching them in the class
(  ? ) Is he not teaching them in the class ?

9.      ( + ) I am going to visit my uncle in Jakarta now
(  - ) I am not going to visit my uncle in Jakarta now
(  ? ) Am I going to visit my uncle in Jakarta now ?

10.   ( + ) Ani is eating Pizza tonight
(  - ) Ani is not eating Pizza tonight
(  ? ) Is Ani eating Pizza tonight ?

Rumus :
Positive ( + )                : S + V1 ( s / es ) + O
Negative ( - )               : S + Do / Does + Not + V1 + O
Introgative ( ? )           : Do / Does + S + V1 + O

Example :
1.      ( + ) We go to school everyday
(  - ) We do not go to school everyday
(  ? ) Do we go to school everyday ?

2.      ( + ) We play tennis every Sunday
(  - ) We do not Play tennis every Sunday
(  ? ) Do we play tennis every Sunday ?
3.      ( + ) He writes a letter every month
( -  ) He doesn’t writes a letter every month
( ? ) Does he writes a letter every month?

4.      ( + ) She teaches English every week
(  - ) She doesn’t teaches English every week
( ? ) Does she teaches English every week?

5.      ( + ) They studys matematic every day
(  - ) They don’t studys matematic every day
( ? )  Do they studys matematic every day?

6.      ( + ) She works in the office every Monday to Saturday
(  - ) She doesn’t works in the office every Monday to Saturday
( ? ) Does she works in the office every Monday to Saturday?

7.      ( + ) I usually go to school at seven o’clock every morning
(  - ) I don’t  usually  go to school at seven o’clock every morning
(  ? ) Do I usually go to school at seven o’clock every morning ?

8.      ( + ) I  cooks every morning.
( - ) I don’t cooks every morning
( ? ) Do I cooks every morning?

9.      ( + ) I go to book store  twice a week
( -  ) I don’t go to book store twice a week
( ?  ) Do I go to book store twice a week?

10.  (+) They go to Palembang every years
(- ) They don’t go to palembang every years
(? ) Do they go to Palembang every years ?

Rumus :
Positive (+)      : S + V2 + O
Negative  (-)    : S + Did Not + V1 + O
Introgatif (?)   : Did +S + V1 + O

1.      ( + ) Rizky gave me much money last month
(  - ) Rizky did not give me much money last month
(  ? ) Did Rizky give me much money last month ?
2.      ( + ) He brought my dictionary last night
(  - ) He did not bring my dictionary last night
(  ? ) Did he bring my dictionary last night ?
3.      ( + ) She tought English yesterday
(  - ) She did not teach English yesterday
 (  ? ) Did she teach English yesterday
4.      ( + ) She fried some eggs this morning
(  - ) She did not fry some eggs this morning
(  ? ) Did she fry some eggs this morning ?
5.      ( + ) I bought a book yesterday
(  - ) I did not buy a book yesterday
(  ? ) Did I buy a book yesterday ?
6.      ( + ) He saw the film last night
(  - ) He did not see the film last night
(  ? ) Did he see the film last night ?
7.      ( + ) They submitted the report last Monday
(  - ) They did not submit the report last Monday
(  ? ) Did they submit the report last Monday ?
8.      ( + ) Riska came to her aunt house two days ago
(  - ) Riska did not come to her aunt house two days ago
(  ? ) Did Riska come to her aunt house two days ago?

9.      ( + ) I Waited for you one hours in restaurant
(  - ) I did not wait for you one hours in restaurant
( ? ) Did I wait for you one hours in restaurant ?
10.  ( + ) He borrowed my motorcycle last week
( - ) He did not borrow my motorcycle last week
( ? ) Did he borrow my motorcycle last week ?

Rumus :
Positive  (+)     : S + Was / Were + V-ing + O
Negative (-)     : S + Was / Were Not + V-ing  + O
Introgatif (?)   : Was / Were + S + V-ing + O

Example :
1.      ( + ) I was reading a newspaper yesterday
(  - ) I was not reading a newspaper yesterday
(  ? ) Was I reading a newspaper yesterday ?
2.       ( + ) Elsa was buying a book last week
 (  - ) Elsa was not buying book last week
(  ? ) Was Elsa buying a book last week ?
3.      ( + ) She was eating a chicken
(  - ) She was not eating a chicken
(  ? ) Was she eating a chicken ?
4.      ( + ) She was writing a novel
(  - ) She was not writing a novel
(  ? ) Was she writing a novel ?
5.      ( + ) He was giving a lecture
(  - ) He was not giving a lecture
(  ? ) Was he giving a lecture?
6.      ( + ) She was preparing dinner
(  - ) She was not preparing dinner
(  ? ) Was she preparing dinner?
7.       ( + ) He was going to school last day
 ( - ) He was not going to school last day
 (  ? ) Was he going to school last day ?
8.       ( + ) He was making a speech
 (  - ) He was not making a speech
 (  ? ) Was he making a speech ?
9.      ( + ) We were watching movie at two pm yesterday.
( - )  We were not watching movie at two pm yesterday
( ? ) Were we watching movie at two pm yesterday?
10.  ( + ) we were building a house last year
( - ) We were not building a house last year
( ? ) Were we building a house last year?

Rumus :
Positive ( + )    :  S + Have / Has + V3 + O
Negative  ( - ) :  S + Have / Has + Not + V3 + O
Introgatif ( ? ) : Have / Has + S + V3 + O
Example :
1.      ( + ) They have bought many books since the beginning of the semester
(  - )  They have not bought many books since the beginning of the semester
(  ? ) Have they bought many books since the beginning of the semester ?
2.      ( + ) We all have been very busy this week
(  - ) We all have not been very busy this week
(  ? ) Have we all been very busy this week ?
3.       ( + ) We have waited him for almost three hours for here
(  - ) We have not waited him for almost three hours for here
(  ? ) Have we waited him for almost three hours for here ?
4.      ( + ) Mr. Edward has lived in America for ten years
(  - ) Mr. Edward has not lived in America for ten years
(  ? ) Has Mr. Edward lived in America for ten years ?
5.      ( + ) They have sent me any money since last night
(  - ) They have not sent me money since last night
(  ? ) Have they sent me any money since last night ?
6.      ( + ) She has just finished her homework
(  - ) She has not just finished her homework
(  ? ) Has she just finished her homework ?
7.      ( + ) I have written English lesson for twenty minutes
(  - ) I have not written English lesson for twenty minutes
(  ? ) Have I written English lesson for twenty minutes ?
8.      ( + ) She has spoken to me for more than two years
(  - ) She has not spoken to me for more than two years
(  ? ) Has she spoken to me for more than two years ?
9.      ( + ) She has drunk milk
(  - ) She has not drunk milk
(  ? ) Has she drunk milk ?
10.  ( + ) We have waited him for almost two hours for here
(  - ) We have not waited for almost two hours for hbere
(  ? ) Have we waited him for almost two hours for here ?
Rumus :
Positive ( + )                : S + have / has + been + V-ing + O
Negative ( - )               : S + have / has + not + been + V-ing + O
Interogatif ( ? )            : Have / has + S + been + V-ing + O

Example :
1.      ( + ) I have been working at office
(  - ) I have not been working at office
(  ? ) Have I been working at office ?
2.      ( + ) I have been reading all afternoon
(  - ) I have not been reading all afternoon
(  ? ) Have I been reading all afternoon ?
3.      ( + ) They have been studying since five o’clock
(  - ) They have not been studying since five o’clock
(  ? ) Have they been studying since five o’clock ?
4.      ( + ) They have been touring since yesterday
(  - ) They have not been touring since yesterday
(  ? ) Have they been touring since yesterday ?
5.      ( + ) She has been learning English for three years
(  - ) She has not been learning English for three years
(  ? ) Has she been learning since three yesterday ?
6.      ( + ) He has been drinking milk
(  - ) He has not been dringking milk
(  ? ) Has he been dringking milk ?
7.      ( + ) She has been going to Surabaya since evening
(  - ) She has not been going to Surabaya since evening
(  ? ) Has she been going to Surabaya since evening ?
8.      ( + ) We have been walking for three hour
(  - ) We have not been walking for three hour
(  ? ) Have we been walking for three hour ?
9.      ( + ) I have been feeling vert well lately
(  - ) I have not been feeling vert well lately
(  ? ) Have I been feeling vert well lately ?
10.  ( + ) You have been watching TV since morning
(  - ) You have not been watching TV since morning
(  ? ) Have you been watching TV since morning ?

Rumus :
Will / Shall
Positive ( + )                : S + Will / Shall + V1 + O
Negative ( - )               : S + Will / Shall + Not + V1 + O
Introgative ( ? )           : Will / Shall + S + V1 + O

Example :
1.      ( + ) He will go to Surabaya next Sunday
(  - ) He will not go to Surabaya next Sunday
(  ? ) Will he go to Surabaya next Sunday ?
2.      ( + ) We shall visit her tomorrow
(  - ) We shall not visit her tomorrow
(  ? ) Shall we visit her tomorrow ?
3.      ( + ) I will go to the movie with them tonight
(  - ) I will not go to the movie with them tonight
(  ? ) Will I go to the movie with them tonight ?
4.      ( + ) You will take a computer course next month
(  - ) You will not take a computer course next month
(  ? ) Will you take a computer course nwext month ?
5.      ( + ) They will help us do this work next
(  - ) They will not help us do this work next
(  ? ) Will they help us do this moening ?

            Rumus To Be Going To
            Positive ( + )                : S + Tobe + Going To + V1 + O
            Negative ( - )               : S + Tobe + Not + Going To + V1 + O
            Introgative ( ? )           : Tobe + S + Going To + V1 + O

            Example :
1.      ( + ) My uncle is going to Solo next Sunday
(  - ) My uncle is not going to Solo next Sunday
(  ? ) Is My uncle going to Solo next Sunday ?
2.      ( + ) He is going to Klaten next Friday
(  - ) He is not going to Klaten next Friday
(  ? ) Is he going to Klaten next Friday ?
3.      ( + ) She is going to home next week
(  - ) She is not going to home next week
(  ? ) Is she going to home next week ?
4.      ( + ) His older brother is going to be a doctor next year
(  - ) His older brother is not going to be a doctor next year
(  ? ) Is his older brother going to be a doctor next year ?
5.      ( + ) I am going to the movie with them tonight
(  - ) I am not going to the movie with them tonight
(  ? ) Am I going to the movie with them tonight ?

Rumus :
Positive ( + )                : S + Had + V3 + + O
Negative( - )                : S + Had + Not + + V3 + O
Introgative ( ? )           : Had + S + v3 + O

Example :
1.      ( + ) My uncle had been in the army for twenty years in 1990
(  - ) My uncle had not been in the army for twenty years in 1990
(  ? ) Had my uncle had been in the army for twenty years in 1990 ?
2.      ( + ) You had told me twice before I understand
(  - ) You had not told me twice before I understand
(  ? ) Had you told me twice before I understand ?
3.      ( + ) I had written three articles when you visited my blog
(  - ) I had not writen three articles when you visited my blog
(  ? ) Had I writen three articles when you visited my blog ?
4.      ( + ) I had gone when he arrived at my home
(  - ) I had not gone when he arrived at my home
(  ? ) Had I gone when he arrived at my home ?
5.      ( + ) She had gone to Jakarta when I meet you
(  - ) she had not gone to Jakarta when I meet you
(  ? ) Had she gone to Jakarta when I meet you ?
6.      ( + ) Mr. Bram had arrived from London
(  - ) Mr. Bram had not arrived from London
(  ? ) Had Mr. Bram arrived from London ?
7.      ( + ) She Had been happy after his father came
(  - ) She had not  been happy after his father came
(  ? ) Had she been happy after his father came?
8.      ( + ) I had saved my document, before the computer crashed.
(  - ) I had not saved my document, before the computer crashed.
(  ? ) Had I saved my document, before the computer crashed?
9.      ( + ) They Had eaten dinner.
(  - ) They had not eaten dinner
(  ? ) Had they eaten dinner?
10.  (+ ) I had listen the radio when you come here
(  - ) I had not listen the radio when you come here
(  ? ) Had I listen the radio when you come here ?
Teaching learn Writing for Children
1.     Writing is the representation of language in a textual
2.     Medium through the use of a set
3.      Writing most likely began as a consequence
4.     Around the fourth millennium BC
5.     Tthe complexity of trade and administration
6.     outgrew the power of memory
7.     A political necessity for recording historical and environmental events.
8.     Writing as a noun,
9.     The thing that is written
10. The activity of writing.
11. It refers to the inscription of characters
12. It also refers to the creation of meaning
13. and the information thereby generated.
14. the form of text is generally known
15. A person who transcribes or produces text to

1.      Neither and Nor
Rumus :
Neither + noun + nor + plural noun + plural verb / Neither + noun + nor + singular noun + singular verb
Example :
1.      Neither Budi, Andi nor I have a good studying habit.
2.      Neither the students nor Banu is watching TV now.
3.      Neihter my friends nor my mother sweeps the floor.
4.      Neither Sinta nor Sinta’s friends are going to visit me tonight
5.      Neither your suggestions nor your idea has been followed up
6.      Neither Lulu nor Zahra will be there.
7.      Neither Fahmi nor two of his friends are attending the class now.
8.      Neither Andi’s mother nor his father spoke English.
9.      Neither Fauzi nor Farhan has passed the test.
10.  Neither my daughter nor I have seen the Ayat-Ayat Cinta yet
2.      EITHER + OR
Rumus :
Either  + noun + or + plural noun + plural verb / Either + noun + or + singular noun + singular verb
Example :
1.      Either  my friends or my mother sweeps the floor every morning.
2.      Either you leave me alone or I will call the police.
3.      Either she goes or I go.
4.      Either Azki or Husni must have done this mischief.
5.      Either the students or the teacher is going to go to the museum.
6.      Either My sister or My Brother is in Bali
7.      Either Nura or Yuki will be there
8.      Either one or two of them must be know the truth
9.      Either Anton or his sisters have washed the dishes.
10.  Either the cats or the dog eats the fish.

3.      BOTH + OF
Rumus :
1.      Both of the (four) books do not belong to me.
2.      Both of the (seven) students have not passed the exam
3.      Both of the cars are too expensive to buy now.
4.      Both of handphone many people search
5.      Both of  are Onion and garlic precious expensive
6.      Both of the table has a different width
7.      Both of milk very delicious
8.      Both of home has a large yard
9.      Both of girl has a great body shape
10.  Both of bicycle has same color

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